Saturday, 19 October 2013

India post has been declared the result of various postal circles. There are some states that didn’t announce the postal assistant & sorting assistant result yet. Students who belongs to delhi circle, tamilnadu circle, Andhra Pradesh, assam, Chhattisgarh have to wait some more time for their results. Postal assistant examination will be held in various dates in various states. Some circles declared the result in limited time but some takes much time to declare the result. So students have to wait some time for their postal assistant (PA) & sorting Assistant (SA) results.
Some states published the list of selected candidates who is eligible for paper 2. candidates must shortlisted in paper 1 merit list to appear in the paper 2. postal department will be declared paper 2 result soon at their official website. candidates who appeared in the paper 2 can discuss here about paper 2 questions. final result of all circles will be declared soon at the official website of india post website.

Postal Assistant various Circles Links:

You can view all circles official website through above given link. you have to check their official website of your postal circle to check your postal assistant and sorting assistant result. all relevant information related to postal assistant and sorting assistant available at the official websites.
After the phase 1 examination india post published the merit list / selected candidates list for phase 2. candidates have to appear in the phase 2 examination. candidates who selected in the phase 2 examination will be finally selected for postal assistant / sorting assistant post. there are various states as Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (HP), J & K, Punjab, Rajasthan, Bihar, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh held the postal assistant examination. Now all candidates are waiting for india post final result.
Students who appeared in the postal assistant / sorting assistant phase 2 examination can discuss here about their results here. if students have any information about the postal assistant / sorting assistant result then they can discuss here through comments.


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